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Pride is a community-oriented business and giving back is part of our central mission. we participate in multiple charity initiatives and we do our best to encourage healthy  habits in our customers. Read on to see how Pride is working to make the our community a better place!

MaryAnne's Kids


MaryAnne's Kids is a fund for children in the foster care system that provides foster children with "the means to pursue special interests in music, dance, art, sports, summer camps and extra-curricular education." To date, the Pride Community has raised over dollars for MaryAnne's Kids, a number that grows larger every year. To learn more about what MaryAnne's Kids does to improve the lives of foster children in our area, click the link below!

Christmas Giving:

Toy for Joy and Brightside Angels

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Christmas is a special time of year, and at Pride we are committed to making sure our community can enjoy the season to its fullest. On top of our regular donations to other organizations, during the holiday season we donate to Toy for Joy, an organization that provides gifts to families who cannot afford them. We also sell paper angels to support Brightside Angels, a group that provides in-home counseling and family support. If you want to learn more about either organization, click the links below!

Lincoln Elementary School

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At Pride, We believe in the importance of education and in supporting our community's youth through their formative years. We are a corporate sponsor of Lincoln Elementary School, providing dental kits, hats, gloves and mittens to children in need. In addition, several members of our office go monthly to Lincoln Elementary School to read aloud to children through a program called Reading Success by Fourth Grade. To visit their website and learn more about Lincoln Elementary School, click the link below.

The Powerball Money

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In the summer of 2017, Pride's location on 6 Westifeld Street in Feeding Hills made history by selling a lottery ticket that won a $758,000,000 Powerball Jackpot. It was the largest prize awarded to a single winner in the history of US Lotteries and won Pride a $50,000 commission. Pride Founder Bob Bolduc immediately committed to donating the money to 19 different charities and 31 different elementary schools in the Springfield area. To learn more about the big day and Mr. Bolduc's decision to make the donation, click the link below.

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